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How to properly maintain your awning to maximize its life?

How to properly maintain your awning to maximize its life?

It is important to take care of your awning before it becomes too dirty to maximize its life. But when it comes to cleaning an awning, you may not have a clue how to do it! That’s why, below, you will find methods in which you can clean your awning, so that you can rest assured of being able to maximize your time outdoors with your loved ones.

Check for Wear

It is important to always check for wear, especially for holes and mildew. If you notice damage, be sure to repair your canvas before storing your awning for the winter. If you notice any signs of dirt, you should clean and possibly cover the area with a water and stain resistant formula.

Cleaning Your Awning

Sunbrella, the largest manufacturer of awning fabrics in North America, says you need to water your canvas every month to keep it looking new. This will prevent dirt from getting too much into the fabric, so you will not need to do such a vigorous cleaning. Intensive cleaning should be done every five years. Fortunately, the fabric can be cleaned on the spot, while staying on its uprights or by installing it flat on the floor when uninstalled (having pre-prepared your workspace with a tarpaulin to avoid friction on abrasive materials or dirty). However, when it comes to stubborn tasks, it is recommended to disassemble the canvas to have it cleaned professionally.

Basic Cleaning

A basic cleaning of your awning would imply that you first clean the dirt and water it. Then you can prepare a solution of water and soap or dishwashing liquid and use a soft bristle brush to clean the fabric. Let the fabric soak in the solution, then rinse it thoroughly to make sure the entire solution has been removed. Let it dry in the open air, and that’s it!

Intensive Cleaning

If you notice stubborn stains or mildew after completing a basic cleaning of your awning, you may want to consider intensive cleaning. This would involve preparing a solution of bleach, soap and water (1 cup of bleach and 1/4 cup of soap per 1 gallon of water). Soak for up to 15 minutes, then clean the awning with a soft bristle brush. It is important to rinse the fabric well, as bleach can cause discoloration. Let it air dry and repeat the whole process if you see more stains or mold. Be sure to cover your awning with a water-repellent, anti-stain finish.

Rest assured that if you do not feel confident following these steps without ruining your awning, you can still have it cleaned professionally! At Décor au Vent, you’ll have access to our professional cleaning service, which includes inspection, cleaning, reprocessing for resistance to water and stains, and pre- and post-treatment measurement. We can also change the fabric after a professional cleaning, as some may shrink or need to be stitched up after this process. If your fabric is too old, it may also be time for you to replace it. Décor au Vent will provide you with all the help you need so you can relax and enjoy your time outdoors, whether it’s raining or sunny!